Thursday, September 5, 2024

Wow, I feel good. I knew that I would, now (James Brown)

Recently (Sunday just gone), I was on a high after an exchange at my local Four Square.  

As she rang up my purchases, the shop lady said, "How's your day been?"

Me, "Pretty good. Been marking essays"

She looked at me.

Me, channeling C3PO, "It's a teacher's lot in life - marking on a Sunday"

She, "Oh, where do you teach?"

Me, "Hastings Boys'"

She, "That will be $23 please, right, yes. I see you coming home sometimes and wondered which school you were at".

Yeah - I know. Not the most riveting conversation, but I walked out of there on a high. 

I didn't have to enter into a lengthy explanation of where I worked, as I've had to do in the past. Or add anything else, at all.

It felt really, really good.

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