Sunday, September 1, 2024

Well, there's nothing to lose and there's nothing to prove when I'm dancing with myself (Billy Idol)

Photo by chris robert on Unsplash

James Clear in his recent newsletter said: 
"I have had periods in my career when I have been sprinting full speed and accomplished a great deal and I have had seasons when I have been fairly lazy and coasted on my previous effort.

What I have learned is that I am the major obstruction to getting results. Whether external conditions are favorable or unfavorable makes less difference than whether I am fully engaged and consistent. Even in competitive fields, the competition is primarily within yourself."
This is very true. 

I had a few shaky moments with my classes last week and it was all down to me and my approach. I need to make it easier for myself and design tasks and lessons better to get the boys' attention with more buy-in.

It's worth my time to get it right.

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