Wednesday, July 3, 2024

You have to leave the city of your comfort (Alan Alda)

Photo by Karol Stefański on Unsplash

One of my old posts from 2009 popped up in the right-hand list of my popular posts and, being curious, I checked out what I'd written 15 years ago.

It was about leaving my position as a Principal and heading off on a new adventure. Here is part of it (I've edited it a bit):

Why am I embarking on this change of course? The opportunity and adventure involved in doing something exciting in a new environment is the overriding reason. This quote from Alan Alda sums it up, “You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You can’t get there by bus, only by hard work and risk, and by not quite knowing what you’re doing. But what you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover will be yourself.” It would be hypocritical of me to preach the idea of dreaming big and taking a risk, and not following through with that myself, wouldn't it? 

My plan at the moment is to delete this blog in about two weeks' time. It's been a really fun thing to do but I will incorporate my ideas into my other blogs from now on.
Funnily enough, I'm at this point again, having recently resigned from another Principal position. Clearly, I didn't delete the Baggy Trousers blog!

I'm again wanting a fresh challenge and that means shaking things up a bit (not sure what that will look like at this point). And I am again thinking about the relevance of this blog. But, again, I can't see myself deleting it. It's of use, if only to selfishly keep a record of my progress and thinking.

It's going to be an interesting few months ahead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey U got this! Xx