Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Hours are like diamonds, don't let them waste (The Rolling Stones)

70% of Americans said they “never had enough time,” in 2011. It rose to 80% in 2018.  It's probably 90% in 2024.

Wednesdays, especially, have turned into a manic day for me. No one wants or needs to know how busy I am, but Wednesday's become a full-on day. Chocka.

So, I turned to Dan Rockwell for advice.

Here he is on four ways to do less but get more done. I'm keen to see if any of these will work for me on Wednesdays.

#1 C
hoose one important thing to do today. 

I’m talking about choosing one or two places to invest your time, energy, and talent in order to make meaningful contribution.  

This one is impossible on a Wednesday

#2. Make your own decisions.

A person who lets others run their life does what matters to others.

Don’t live to only serve yourself, but don’t let others run your life either.

Realize you chose to work where you work. If the downside of your job is heavier than the upside seek a new job.

Not a practical solution for my Wednesdays.

3. Go to bed.

What fool believes tired people get more done? You get more done by getting enough rest. Too much rest is exhausting. Too little rest is debilitating.

I'm usually exhausted by 9.00pm and usually sleep until my 4.30am alarm.

#4. Put white space on your calendar.

Back-to-back meetings indicate poor management. Get more done by realizing schedule management is self-management.

Yes, I think I need to reorder a couple of things on my Wednesday schedule.

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