Monday, August 1, 2022

I support the left though I'm leaning to the right, but I'm just not there when it's coming to a fight (Jack Bruce)

Recently, I saw a tweet from William Shatner paying tribute to Star Trek crew member Nichelle Nichols - better known as communications officer Lieutenant Uhura. He mentioned her role being trailblazer for 'redefining social issues'.

Some Klingon on the starboard bow tweeted back - 'since when did Star Trek become political?'

Dude! Everything is political!! Human beings often do things or act in the interests of status or power. 

Was Lieutenant Uhura/Nichelle Nichols ever challenging that idea? You betcha black boots she did!

Part of her legacy is the way she as an actor and as a character inspired people, girls in particular, to reconsider their social standing.

She was definitely a trailblazer as she redefined social roles and issues from the Star Trek bridge. We can learn a lot from her example.
R.I.P. Lieutenant Uhura. Beam her up, Scotty.

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