Saturday, August 26, 2023

It is more human to laugh at life than to lament it (Seneca)

While visiting Havelock North and browsing in Wardini's bookstore with my father-in-law on the weekend, I picked up a copy of The Daily Stoic

You can read up on the stoics here if you are so inclined.

Yes, I'm a sucker for these daily meditation type books. This one has a quote and a brief commentary for each day of the year.

The Seneca quote I've used above is lifted from a lengthier passage discussing the impulse to either laugh or cry at events.

I'm pretty sure I've explained before how my tendency to laugh or smile at events (and people) can get me into sticky situations. I really can't help it, and most times it defuses the situation. Most times.

I would much rather be that way. It's something I have no control over though - it's just me.

While undergoing that stress with the scanner last week, there wasn't much else to do but see the funny side. The randomness of the fault was a real cosmic joke. 

As my colleague, Lise and I tried in vain to troubleshoot the printer's stubborn refusal to scan documents correctly it eventually became apparent that we had to smile and walk away. Or cry.

Crying wasn't an option!

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