Tuesday, July 11, 2023

It will be L7 and I'd never get to heaven if I filled my head with glue (Macca)

Photo by Nadiia Ploshchenko 🇺🇦 on Unsplash

When you’re trying to make it perfect, trying to make it exactly what you want it to be, then it’s time to drop it into the pool - Joan Baez.

Joan was talking about drawing, but she might as well be talking about management. Perfect is tough to pursue, although some micro managers might want to argue with her.

Joan goes beyond that idea though and indicates that it's not even something worthy of pursuit, that you shouldn't even desire perfection.

Some of my favourite moments in songs are when there's a mistake - the mic cuts out or an intro is fluffed (Paul McCartney has made this an artform - was that the intro? I should have been in).

When you manage or lead, it is a given that you'll make (very public) mistakes.

So, lean into them!

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