Monday, December 15, 2014

I don't believe in the status quo (Ted Nugent)

Time to take the school's temperature:

Leadership at mine just got a whole lot better with our move to vertical home rooms - loads of leadership potential. The key will be how much the mentors back off and allow the potential to shine!

Digital literacy - tick! BYOD and the mighty power of Schoology (our Learning Management System) see to that. We're still learning what these agents of digital literacy are capable of.

Communication - good but, mmm, maybe room for further work here. I'd love to see our staff data files cleaned up for instance.

Emotional intelligence - getting there but ditto. We are dealing with teenagers after all but the homeroom continuity will undoubtedly help.

Entrepreneurship - the structure is in place, the Young Enterprise Scheme is alive and well. As an inquiry learning scheme it's hard to beat. I'd like to see it e x p a n d into other curriculum areas.

Global citizenship - tick. Overseas challenges, exchanges. Again there is room for expansion using Skype contacts.

Problem solving - I'd like to see this grow with our inquiry and project work.

Team working - again tick but again we will be looking to employ the potential inherent in our home room teams in innovative and productive ways.

So - your turn! Let's see how many of these your school can tick off.

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