Thursday, May 1, 2014

I don't want isolation but the air it makes me cold (Prince)

I struggle a bit with holidays. Really.

I get into working routines at school that get blown out of the water during the holidays, so I'm looking forward to Monday and getting back into stuff for term 2. Really. No irony. No sarcasm.

One of the things I'm looking forward to is the cold nights doing football practice and games each Tuesday and Wednesday after school. No - not really! Just testing. 

But I am looking forward to Friday mornings and PLD (pretty sure that stands for professional learning development but it could be something else like profound literacy discussions or...).

Or maybe - I was looking forward to it.

A couple of caveats have emerged.

As I mentioned in my last edition - five weeks of scoping and other reconnaissance activities without an action is a worry.

Secondly the title for this activity is Staff Inquiry into Teaching and Learning to Empower Learners (or SIT A LETL  for short). Again with the passive emphasis.

I'm keen to invest in the inquiry/ action research model but this is input without the transformation. 

Hard to expend a huge amount if there's little chance of grabbing those bananas. Let's hope it's not a banana peel.

On the positive side I will get to do that further deeper research into organisational cultures each week and that will bring a steady stream of blog posts.

Here's to looking forward!

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