Sunday, June 23, 2024

The more one serves others, the more one possesses. The more one gives to others, the more one has (Lao Zi)

Ronaldo and Fernandes after the latter scored from
an assist by Ronaldo.

Daily viewing of the three games from the UEFA Euro 2024 competition is a new routine for me and a reminder once again of how the team is far more important than a bunch of individual superstars.

It was interesting watching Cristiano Ronaldo playing for Portugal this week. At one point, he unselfishly set up a team mate to score a goal, rather than attempt to score himself.

That hasn't always been the case with Ronaldo, maybe he's growing up!

As the master says in Maktub (by Paulo Coelho):

Being together with the same goal in mind and yet allowing each individual to grow in his own way, that is the path of those who wish to commune with God.

This has always been my philosophy as a school leader. I am so proud of the staff at Hastings' campus. They got this.

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