Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Connection, I just can't make no connection (The Rolling Stones)

Staff at Woodford House taking a break from the classroom
 pose in normal day wear - nothing embarrassing here!
Just the opposite actually - I seem to be making more and more connections the older I get.

Let me see - I have a presence on Linkedin, facebook, my three weblogs of course, and twitter.

But wait - there's also google!

Some of my Year 11 students searched my name yesterday and came up with a load of mentions. It led them to my blogs and that in turn led them to some embarrassing photos that I have long forgotten about. Nothing was inappropriate or dodgy but old photos in particular can spookily reappear to haunt me from time to time.

The message is clear. Beware! Things put on these blogs and the messages and photos sent out into the blogosphere via the interweb in moments of innocence - all of that has a long shelf life.

Why this has not really dawned on me until now I have no idea.

I do self censor but time flies like an arrow and something posted during my experiences in the Middle East or China or England just stays in the blogosphere until a student clicks a mouse button.

Anyway - the above photo shows that I'm not alone. Embarrassment comes with the turf when you're a teacher.

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