Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Quality is much better than home run is much better than two doubles (Steve Jobs)

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Steve Jobs' baseball analogy is very apt. I agree with him.

It's better to get one home run success, than two almost successes. A double, or two-base hit, in baseball is making it to second base, so, in effect - half way, but without any end result.

In the business world, it often appears that it is all about quantity; about making sales, to the exclusion of all else. As many sales as possible. obviously. Sales figures equal rewards in many businesses. More more more.

In education there is a lot of satisfaction around quality: around getting a student their stretch goal; or watching a student have an important learning moment. That might be an 'achieve' grade in a unit standard, or a sporting success, or even an 'oh, I get it' moment.

Yesterday, at our school assembly, a student with a severe genetic disorder read a poem and that moment was a brilliant home run that I will remember for a long time, but it won't figure on any stats.

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