Tuesday, November 29, 2022

We'll sit and watch the clouds roll by and tall grass waves in the wind (Don Henley)

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

End of the year, and that means a wrap up of staff appraisals, preparation for prizegiving (Recognition of Excellence in our case), staff functions, farewells, welcomes, final student reports and parent/teacher meetings, class excursions, final assessments, teacher only days, conclusion to NCEA external exams, junior market days, timetable decisions for next year, and a few other things I've probably forgotten about.

The academic year has to end sometime and so there's always a frenzy of activity before it. All part of the deal in schools the world over.

Huge thanks to everyone who stopped off and read a post of two during 2022. And, as always, huge kudos to the staff at the Hastings' campus in New Zealand - an extraordinary bunch of people doing exceptional work on a daily basis. They make my job a privilege and a pleasure every day. Really!

After my next post (my prizegiving speech), I'm going to take a break from Baggy Trousers until the new year. I'll aim to include some links and quotes before then, but that's probably it until we gear up again for the new school year in January.

See you then, inshallah.

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