Monday, March 21, 2022

To know more about a person, we need to listen to them and observe their behaviour (Confucius)

Photo by Anna Marie on Unsplash

I'll be doing my four-minute walkthroughs in the coming weeks. Actually, inflationary policies mean the current trend is to go for ten-minutes but I can pretty much get it done in four still. Four to five.

Whatever the time period, the purpose remains the same. And so do the means: evaluation/appraisal through speech and actions.

Many would say that getting an independent party to evaluate is fairer because there is no relationship between the parties but...whatever. The object is still to be as objective as possible. And a strong healthy respectful relationship helps, in my humble opinion.

The receptiveness of the participants to accept an evaluation openly is key. That means trust, openness and those reciprocal relationships. Important, because people who can accept their evaluation know their strengths. 

According to Venerable master Hsing Yun:

To put the results of an evaluation to use, one must use it as a direction for future learning, thereby improving and reviewing one's performance. The evaluation report should also help one overcome one's weaknesses, enhance one's strengths and encourage one to strive for the highest standards.

With him 100% on that! 

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