Monday, March 7, 2022

It's cloud illusions I recall, I really don't know clouds at all (Joni Mitchell)

Photo by Francisco Gonzalez on Unsplash

Walking is man's best medicine (according to Hippocrates) and walking at lunchtime remains a thing I love to do.

It started while I was at Woodford House back in 2013 when Toni, Dionne and I would put on walking shoes, I'd take off my tie, and we'd walk for 30 mins around the wooded streets and farm lanes behind the school. Fabulous.

It was a great idea started by Jimmy - the PE teacher, and we kind of adapted it into a download of ideas/ thoughts and occasional grumbles.

I've carried it on since then (without the grumbles) with a variety of co-walkers. At the moment it's just me and that's fine. 

It allows for a meditative state to replace the decision making of leading/managing the campus.

I'm outside, walking one of two routes around the Mitre 10 Sports Park that is next to our Hastings' campus: the long - 35 minutes (for when I have a non-contact period 5 and I can eat my tuna and Cruskits in peace); the short - 25 mins, involves a short cut that bypasses the athletics track.

I'm also a keen cloud gazer, something I've mentioned before. Watching clouds is quite therapeutic I find. You lift your gaze for one thing and thoughts move from the mundane to the lofty immediately. 

A sense of perspective is guaranteed.  

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