Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Hooked on a feeling (Blue Suede)

Inspiration came up and smacked me in the face yesterday.

While I was visiting a Year 11 English class on my learning walk, thanks to a student doing her visual/verbal presentation, I learnt a lot about 'Success' as a thing.

Her presentation centered on making 'Success' into an acronym and was well received.

Along the way, she received some excellent feedback from her peers and from the teacher.

What stood out for me, was a message about five chimps.

These chimps represent the people you surround yourself with - your friendship circle in other words.

The implicit idea being to choose your five chimps wisely.

Trouble is that friendship choices tend to be more organic than that, or, at least, they were in my case.

In the past, I have gravitated towards people who love music, have a great sense of humour, are grafters, know themselves to the extent that they don't take themselves too seriously, and they have a good moral compass - they know right from wrong and they live worthy lives.

Good people. My chimps are good people.

I hope your chimps are too. If not, there's still time to change the road you're on.

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